Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Finance Investments - Economical Categories

The definition of totality of the economical relations formed in the process of formation, distribution and usage of Finances, as money sources is widely spread. 1) "...Finances reflect economical relations, formation of the funds of money sources, in the process of distribution and redistribution of national receipts according to the distribution and usage". "Finances - are cash sources, financial resources, their creation and movement, distribution and redistribution, usage, also economical relations, which are conditioned by intercalculations between the economical subjects, movement of cash sources, money circulation and usage".
"Finances are the system of economical relations, which are connected with firm creation, distribution and usage of financial resources".

Let's discuss the most spread definitions of credit. Credit represents a form of movement of the loan capital and expresses economical relations between the creditor and borrower". This is the traditional definition of credit. Credit has an objective character. Creation of credit is conditioned by a historical process of fulfilling the economical and money relations, the form of which is the money relation". If gating credit value takes place, by the appearance form, credit is discussed to be financial modification. So notwithstanding the essential distinctions between Finances and credit form the genetic-historical point of view, credit appears to be formed from Finances and represent their modification.
Word combination "funding of the cash sources (fund formation)" reflects and defines exactly essence and form of economical category of more general character, those of Finances and credit categories. wide and narrow understanding of economical category of the Finances; discussing Finances, as funding of the cash means, in wide understanding, which concerns Finances - in narrow meaning and credit - in complete meaning. We have established a new termini - "Finance-investment sphere" (FIS). Let's sum up middle results of discussing new concept - "Finance-investment sphere" and discuss its investment consisting parts.
More concretely: "investment process", "investment domain", "Finance-investment sphere" - all these termini are much more acceptable. Let's discuss termini - "investment" and "capital placement's" usage in the economical literature. A positive side of the discussed definitions is that they connect investment policy and capital placements (investments): Except the termini "investments", there are two more termini related with the investment.
"Investment commodity, capital goods - a capital."
Total investments consist of two parts. Second consisting part of the total investments is represented by net investments - capital investments for the purpose of increasing basic means". In the "economical course" quoted before long and short-termed investments are separated. In every monograph , even if it has a title investment, as an economical category , there is given only the definition, concept of investments. Economical categories theoretically represent real, objectively existed productive relations. Here we apply for another manual thesis made by the academician Vasil Chantladze: "every financial relation is an economical one and every financial category is and economical one, but not every economical relation and economical category is financial relation and financial category".

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